
 my reflection over the last semester in this class has been rocky to say the least.  I took this class to try something new and it turned out being extremely hard. The work i do is very below average. The shooting assignments are okay but, as soon as i have to use the photoshop app i stumble. I do try to do my very best. I always put in all my effort and do every assignment with my best effort. I love looking a my peers work so i can be inspired and learn as much as possible. My participation in this class is good i do all my work and use my spare time to do homework or whatever is is i need to finish. I am late to class sometimes though so that is something i need to improve on. My improvement in this class is okay. I take better pictures than i did before and i know how to position the camera to get the right idea. However my improvement in the photoshop app needs a lot of work. I don"t know how to do practically anything except add in an image. Practice makes perfect though. I will keep trying to improve. I need to have more confidence in my work. Next semester i am going to try to ask more questions to learn more around editing and maybe then i will start to like the class more. Even though i need to improve a lot more in this class i'm happy i took it because i tried something new that took a little more practice than most classes for me. It was good to step outside of my comfort zone.


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